The Importance of Green Software - Efforts Towards Combating Global Warming in the IT Industry

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In the past, when I went shopping, I was given a plastic bag as a matter of course, but at some point it became normal not to receive one. By the way, it seems like it's been three years since plastic bags started paying...

Since then, I think society as a whole has become more aware of environmental considerations, and the movement has accelerated. So, what kind of efforts are being made in my industry? I was curious about this and researched it, and found out that there is a problem with "invisible power consumption" in the IT industry. The development and use of software consumes a large amount of power that cannot be seen with the naked eye, placing a burden on the environment.

Green software development, which aims to develop software with less environmental impact, is gradually attracting attention as a way to solve this problem . Have you all heard of it? Unfortunately, this is the first time I've heard of it.

This time we will focus on "green software development" and ask what is green software? From this point, I will summarize the background of why it has attracted attention and the specific initiatives.

Please watch till the end.

Global movement to reduce greenhouse gases

To understand the story of green software, you must first understand greenhouse gases, the issue and the global movement to reduce them. Greenhouse gases are the components that make up the atmosphere that cause a greenhouse effect (cited by the Japan Meteorological Agency ), and include the following types:

・Carbon dioxide: produced by the combustion of fossil fuels

・Carbon monoxide: Generated from industrial activities such as the use of nitrogen fertilizers and product manufacturing.

・Methane: Generated from intestinal cleansing of livestock and rotting garbage.

・Freon: Generated from refrigerators, air conditioners, etc.

The natural temperature of the earth is said to be around -19°C, and the earth's average temperature is maintained at around 14°C due to the warming effect of greenhouse gases. It's a good thing to have on Earth in the right amount.

However, since the Industrial Revolution, energy consumption such as fossil fuel combustion and electricity has increased rapidly, and greenhouse gas emissions have continued to increase. As a result, the average surface temperature is rising, causing sea levels to rise, ecosystem balance to collapse, and food and water shortages to occur.

In response to this global crisis, various conferences and measures against greenhouse gases are being taken all over the world. In particular, you may often hear terms such as "carbon neutral (net zero)" and "carbon offset," so I will explain these two.

・Carbon neutral (net zero)

Carbon neutral and net zero are used interchangeably. This is a method of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to zero by subtracting the amount of absorption and removal from the amount of emissions, creating an equilibrium, and ultimately bringing the total to zero .

Although it is best to reduce emissions, there are some industries where this is difficult. For example, it is possible to increase the amount of CO2 absorbed by planting trees. Carbon neutrality can be achieved by subtracting the amount removed or absorbed from the atmosphere by forests and aiming for a balanced state.

・Carbon offset

Carbon offsetting is a method to achieve the removal of greenhouse gases that cannot be achieved with carbon neutrality in another way. Offset means to make up for, offset, or make up for, and means that if greenhouse gases cannot be reduced by oneself, the equivalent amount can be achieved by another method of reducing greenhouse gases . This allows emissions and reductions to offset each other, resulting in a zero state.

In this way, carbon neutrality and carbon offsets are both ways to reduce the impact of greenhouse gases, but carbon neutrality is a method of absorption and removal by humans, and carbon offset is a method of supporting economic activities.

What is Green software?

As someone deeply involved in system development, app development, and digital transformation, I've come to realize the immense potential of "green IT" in shaping a sustainable future. Green software, a concept that I've closely studied and advocated for, is a pivotal element of this vision.

Green software focuses on minimizing environmental impact by reducing greenhouse gas emissions linked to electricity used during both software development and usage. It's not just a theoretical concept; major players in the tech industry are actively pushing for its adoption. The Green Software Foundation, a collective effort by industry giants like Accenture, GitHub, Microsoft, ThoughtWorks, and the Linux Foundation, epitomizes this movement. Their collaboration with global companies, including Japan's NTT Data Corporation, is a testament to the growing relevance of green IT in our industry.

My journey in exploring green software has led me to identify several key initiatives:

・Optimization of energy efficiency

In my experience, optimizing code is more than a technical exercise; it's a green IT practice. It helps reduce unnecessary energy consumption when software is operational, aligning with the principles of green software.

・Reducing data usage

Utilizing cloud computing has been a game-changer. It allows the retrieval of only the necessary data, minimizing power consumption from redundant data processing. This approach is a cornerstone of green IT, offering both efficiency and environmental benefits.

・Promotion of energy saving mode

Implementing energy-saving modes in software design not only conserves energy but also extends its operational life, reducing wastage. This practice is a direct reflection of the principles of green IT.

・Digitization of various media

My work in digital transformation has shown me how digitization can significantly reduce the waste of physical resources, like paper and prints. This shift not only optimizes operations but also contributes to lower greenhouse gas emissions, a goal central to green software.

Why is Green Software attracting attention?

Up until now, the sources of greenhouse gas emissions have changed due to advances in people's lifestyles and technology. As mentioned above, since the Industrial Revolution, emissions from the spread of electrical appliances and automobiles and garbage disposal have accelerated global warming.

Since the 2015 Paris Agreement, decarbonization efforts have expanded. At that time, it became necessary to be aware of power consumption in the IT industry, and efforts to do so became widespread. It was predicted that if nothing was done, the IT industry's power consumption would exceed 20% of the total by 2030.

Since the energy consumption of software is invisible, it has not received much attention, but software also consumes a large amount of energy in communication and data facilities, and the power consumption of the software itself should not be overlooked. The concept of green software has become popular.

With the global movement towards decarbonization since 2015, the energy reduction of software is gradually attracting attention, so the movement to develop green software is likely to grow even more.

Six principles of green software

Eight principles were announced in 2019 as guidelines for developing green software. In 2022, it was revised to include six principles. We have summarized some of its contents and the contents of the official video.

1. Carbon Efficiency

‍・Build efficient applications and minimize CO2 emissions as much as possible.

Maximize the value obtained from carbon emissions.

2. Energy Efficiency

‍・Electricity is invisible, but it uses fossil fuels, so minimize energy usage as much as possible.

In order to build sustainable software, we need to understand how electricity works.

3. Carbon Awareness

- Application efficiency is important for sustainable software, but in order to protect limited resources, it is also necessary to reduce consumption itself. When carbon emissions are high, it is also important not to intentionally provide methods with a high user experience.

- Perform many tasks/activities when clean power is available, generated by renewable energy (solar, wind, hydro, etc.) and generated by burning fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural gas, etc.) Reduce workload when electricity is the main source of supply.

4. Hardware Efficiency

- Minimize embedded carbon dioxide (the amount of carbon dioxide emitted during the manufacturing and construction process of products and buildings) as much as possible.

Manufacturing and disposing of computers generates a large amount of carbon (embedded carbon) and there is a usage period, so it is necessary to improve hardware efficiency.

5. Measurement

Software Carbon Intensity (SCI) is recommended to measure comprehensive carbon emissions. The resulting score can be used to determine which features of the software are emitting the most carbon.

6. Climate Commitments

To achieve goals for greenhouse gas emissions, have a common understanding of ways to reduce carbon, climate commitments, carbon neutrality and carbon offsets, and understand the exact mechanisms of carbon reduction.

For example, Misrosoft followed this green software principle in its services by updating an existing service to shut down with a few lines of code, reducing the cost of its development environment to almost zero and reducing its carbon footprint. We also succeeded in reducing the By eliminating unnecessary functionality, we were able to reduce the code and improve maintainability, which not only benefits the environment but also the team.

Japan also uses a large amount of fossil fuels, so by spreading the concept of green software, we can contribute to the world's environmental protection goals.

Furthermore, Green Software's purpose is not to offset donations to other environmental protection organizations through offsets, but to carry out internal reforms that do not rely on other forces in order to reduce the energy it emits . Therefore, even the software industry, which until now has been implementing carbon zero, will be able to achieve sustainability more easily by basing the guidelines on numbers and data specific to CO2 emissions.

What are the similar words "Green IT"?

Up to this point, we have delved into green software, but there is a similar term called "green IT."

Green IT
is a general term for IT-related equipment and IT systems that reduce the burden on the global environment, such as by reducing power consumption. It can also refer to efforts to reduce the burden on the global environment by utilizing IT (and a general term for both). (Citation: IT Glossary )

The reason why this term has become so popular is to combat global warming, just like green software. Green IT has two aspects: "greening IT" and "greening through IT," and is expected to reduce energy consumption and prevent global warming.

Greening IT

This is an initiative to reduce the burden on the environment by reducing the power consumption of IT technology itself (servers, PCs, etc.).

Reducing power consumption of servers and PCs

Use of semiconductor products that reduce power consumption

Reducing the number of devices and improving usage efficiency by integrating servers, utilizing virtualization technology, and utilizing the cloud

Greening through IT

This is an initiative to reduce the burden on the environment by making operations and equipment more efficient through the use of IT technology.

Optimization of power usage in corporate buildings and homes using IoT and sensors

Energy saving in transportation with a logistics system developed using AI and IoT

Improving work efficiency using IT technology, such as telework

Carbon neutrality and carbon offset trends by industry

・Printing industry

The printing industry emits a large amount of CO2 through the production of paper and ink, book binding and processing, transportation, and waste disposal. It is estimated that the average printed book emits approximately 2 to 3 kilograms of CO2. To this end, companies are taking steps such as funding carbon offset programs such as forest protection and reforestation projects, implementing carbon offsets that donate a portion of sales to afforestation projects, and introducing renewable energy into printing factories. We are implementing various carbon offset initiatives.

・Aviation industry

Airlines generate large amounts of greenhouse gases as they fly, and are said to account for approximately 2% of global CO2 emissions. We have introduced a system that allows users to perform carbon offset as an additional option when purchasing airline tickets. The funds will be used for other environmental protection projects. Furthermore, as an alternative fuel to conventional fuels, expectations are rising for Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), which is made from waste cooking oil and fats and can reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 80% compared to conventional fuels. There is a movement underway to make airplane fuel eco-friendly by using existing fuel and this recycled material.

・Automotive industry

Efforts are being made to reduce fuel consumption and emissions due to the proliferation of electric and hybrid vehicles. Engine technology and vehicle weight reductions have also been improved, improving fuel efficiency and reducing CO2 emissions. At the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26) held in Glasgow, UK in 2021, it was announced that vehicles that do not emit CO2 will be sold worldwide by 2040.

・Energy industry

We are strengthening the use of energy with low CO2 emissions and renewable energy. Towards a decarbonized society, we are reducing energy consumption and emissions by promoting the spread of renewable energy such as solar power generation and wind power generation, and by improving the energy efficiency of power plants and factories.

In this way, each industry and company is making efforts based on specific greenhouse gas reduction measures. Sustainable initiatives are now essential in corporate activities.


With the global movement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we are now entering a phase in which we must address the invisible power consumption problem of the IT industry. This initiative is expanding, led by the Green Software Foundation, which was established by a large global company.

In modern society, where environmental considerations such as personal bags and chopsticks have become commonplace, we now live in an era in which we choose not only things (products) that exist in physical form, but also services that do not exist in physical form, taking into account the service background such as environmental consideration.

Although this time's talk focused on green software, I think there are many things we can do to be conscious of environmental considerations in our individual lives. I hope that this article will give you an opportunity to think about global warming and environmental considerations.





Written By

Mark Levantins

Mark Levantins, with 6 years of extensive experience in system and app development, specializes in digital transformation, integrating innovative solutions to enhance customer experiences and business processes.

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